16 June, 2017
Had the awesome opportunity to see the progress at the new dry mill being built in Rubengera, Rwanda. KOPAKAMA cooperative has been a key part of the community leadership team bringing this big project to fruition. It will employ about six technicians full time, year-round, and 30 or so "helpers" depending on volumes, and potentially 100 female "sorters" as part-time work when there is demand. In addition to bringing employment to this rural area, it also allows the seven cooperating producer organizations to improve quality via better control of the "next step" in the value chain.
David, the technician from BrazAfric, gave Frederic Hakizimana, KOPAKAMA washing station manager, Ildefonse Musafili, translator for Artisan Coffee Imports, and me the tour and said they expect to have it ready to go in 30-40 days.